Hi! My name’s Tierra (she/her) and I’m a young creative looking for a roommate to split rent with by March 2025. My ideal situation would be sharing a large, multi-bedroom apartment or single family home with one other person that has a dedicated space for hosting (I love to host D&D nights, board game parties, and murder mystery parties.) Rent isn’t required to be an even split, just proportional to the amount of space you'll be using (I.e. just a bedroom, or more space such as an extra office room, etc) I’m a night worker, but also a heavy sleeper so someone working from home won’t wake me up. I love pets (even better if they get along with other animals.) I often have friends and family from out of town visit, so a guest room would be ideal as well!
Only looking for apartments in Baker, Speer, West Washington Park, and Washington Park neighborhoods. <3
A little more about me: I’m a burnt-out ex-socialite and professional dancer who is spending time in Denver to focus on my various crafts and to save money for the future. I attended school at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea and I was professionally trained in Seoul’s various dance academies. I work most days a week and I spend most of my free time writing, sewing, creating content for social media, gaming, cooking or hanging out with friends. I love spending time in cafes or practicing my dance. I also have a passion storytelling and music, + I’m a very big nerd.
My maximum monthly budget | 2,700 |
Move in Date | Mar 2025 |
Age | 24 |
Occupation | Night Worker |
Pets | Pet Friendly |
Hometown | Columbia, Md, Usa |
Education | College Educated |
Relationship Status | Single |
We think Tierra would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…
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Hi! My name’s Tierra (she/her) and I’m a young creative looking for a roommate to split rent with by March 2025. My ideal situation would be sharing a large, multi-bedroom apartment or single family home with one other person that has a dedicated space for hosting (I love to host D&D nights, board game parties, and murder mystery parties.) Rent isn’t required to be an even split, just proportional to the amount of space you'll be using (I.e. just a bedroom, or more space such as an extra office room, etc) I’m a night worker, but also a heavy sleeper so someone working from home won’t wake me up. I love pets (even better if they get along with other animals.) I often have friends and family from out of town visit, so a guest room would be ideal as well!
Only looking for apartments in Baker, Speer, West Washington Park, and Washington Park neighborhoods. <3
A little more about me: I’m a burnt-out ex-socialite and professional dancer who is spending time in Denver to focus on my various crafts and to save money for the future. I attended school at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea and I was professionally trained in Seoul’s various dance academies. I work most days a week and I spend most of my free time writing, sewing, creating content for social media, gaming, cooking or hanging out with friends. I love spending time in cafes or practicing my dance. I also have a passion storytelling and music, + I’m a very big nerd.
My maximum monthly budget | 2,700 |
Move in Date | Mar 2025 |
Age | 24 |
Occupation | Night Worker |
Pets | Pet Friendly |
Hometown | Columbia, Md, Usa |
Education | College Educated |
Relationship Status | Single |
We think Tierra would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…
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