I'm living in NYC by myself and am seeking shared living in a generally safe neighborhood. My husband and two cats live in Vermont. I always wanted to live in NYC and am loving it. I love the vibe, access to the arts, particularly music, meeting new diverse people, the New York attitude and friendliness, and I love walking everywhere. I grew up on Long Island and my mother is in hospice in Port Jefferson. I just landed a job in Manhattan which I will start mid March. I will be doing some remote work so will need a room that others won't hear everything I say and be bothered by that. I value community living but also appreciate privacy. I enjoy the sharing that goes on with roommates. In the last four months I've been living in Brooklyn and my husband has come down twice for the weekend. Thus, I'm seeking shared living in which occasional guests are ok. Usually I go to VT to see my family or go to Long Island to see my mother. Thus I'm often away on weekends. I'm clean and neat in public spaces, and would expect the same in return.
My maximum monthly budget | 1,800 |
Move in Date | May 2025 |
Lease Duration | 1 Year |
Age | 67 |
Occupation | Psychologist |
Pets | No Pets |
Hometown | Burlington, Vt, Usa |
Education | Ph D |
Relationship Status | Married |
We think Carolyn would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…
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I'm living in NYC by myself and am seeking shared living in a generally safe neighborhood. My husband and two cats live in Vermont. I always wanted to live in NYC and am loving it. I love the vibe, access to the arts, particularly music, meeting new diverse people, the New York attitude and friendliness, and I love walking everywhere. I grew up on Long Island and my mother is in hospice in Port Jefferson. I just landed a job in Manhattan which I will start mid March. I will be doing some remote work so will need a room that others won't hear everything I say and be bothered by that. I value community living but also appreciate privacy. I enjoy the sharing that goes on with roommates. In the last four months I've been living in Brooklyn and my husband has come down twice for the weekend. Thus, I'm seeking shared living in which occasional guests are ok. Usually I go to VT to see my family or go to Long Island to see my mother. Thus I'm often away on weekends. I'm clean and neat in public spaces, and would expect the same in return.
My maximum monthly budget | 1,800 |
Move in Date | May 2025 |
Lease Duration | 1 Year |
Age | 67 |
Occupation | Psychologist |
Pets | No Pets |
Hometown | Burlington, Vt, Usa |
Education | Ph D |
Relationship Status | Married |
We think Carolyn would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…
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