I was born on the southside of Chicago and moved to San Diego with my fiance when I was 17. We lived in a wonderful old apartment building, which had been built in 1939 and had been well-cared-for. Beautiful oak floors were discovered beneath the ugly green carpeting, which we tore up as quickly as possible (to our landlords delight). My dream of owning a home could not be met in America's Finest City, as DJs liked to refer to San Diego, as housing prices were astronomical. I moved to Phoenix about two decades before its housing prices began to rival those of Southern California. I hated it immediately and spent almost every weekend of the first year in San Diego. The only thing keeping me here today are my three beautiful grandchildren.
I ran a private investigation agency for about 25 years, retiring three years ago. It turns out I retired too soon. My husband died four months ago, and while I could get by without working, it's pretty tight. I've been studying copywriting since I retired and I'm looking for work in that field. I've always been a pretty good writer and copywriting pays pretty well.
I like hiking and photography and am playing around with learning to paint. I'm hoping that travel is in my future.
I'm not a fanatic, but I do like a clean house and appreciate someone who tidies up behind themselves. I've got a nice backyard and a large pool. I'd like someone who will share the household and yard chores.
No smoking (in the house), no drugs, no late-night partying.
My maximum monthly budget | 1,000 |
Move in Date | Apr 2025 |
Lease Duration | 6 Months |
Age | 64 |
Occupation | Retired Private Investigator |
Pets | Dog |
Hometown | Chicago, Il, Usa |
Education | B.A., History |
Relationship Status | Single |
We think Marri would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…
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I was born on the southside of Chicago and moved to San Diego with my fiance when I was 17. We lived in a wonderful old apartment building, which had been built in 1939 and had been well-cared-for. Beautiful oak floors were discovered beneath the ugly green carpeting, which we tore up as quickly as possible (to our landlords delight). My dream of owning a home could not be met in America's Finest City, as DJs liked to refer to San Diego, as housing prices were astronomical. I moved to Phoenix about two decades before its housing prices began to rival those of Southern California. I hated it immediately and spent almost every weekend of the first year in San Diego. The only thing keeping me here today are my three beautiful grandchildren.
I ran a private investigation agency for about 25 years, retiring three years ago. It turns out I retired too soon. My husband died four months ago, and while I could get by without working, it's pretty tight. I've been studying copywriting since I retired and I'm looking for work in that field. I've always been a pretty good writer and copywriting pays pretty well.
I like hiking and photography and am playing around with learning to paint. I'm hoping that travel is in my future.
I'm not a fanatic, but I do like a clean house and appreciate someone who tidies up behind themselves. I've got a nice backyard and a large pool. I'd like someone who will share the household and yard chores.
No smoking (in the house), no drugs, no late-night partying.
My maximum monthly budget | 1,000 |
Move in Date | Apr 2025 |
Lease Duration | 6 Months |
Age | 64 |
Occupation | Retired Private Investigator |
Pets | Dog |
Hometown | Chicago, Il, Usa |
Education | B.A., History |
Relationship Status | Single |
We think Marri would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…
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