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Looking for a roommate in Henderson, Las Vegas - Las Vegas

Baddie C - $600/month

About Me

Hi! My name is precious as you can probably tell by now lol! I’m a pretty bubbly fun spirited person who lovesssss cooking! I plan on going to culinary school but that ways from now. I’m a bit of a clean freak and I actually am 17 but I am an emancipated minor so in the eyes of the law I’m 18! If your uncomfortable with me signing a lease my guardian is more than willing to with my co-signature on it. I work and also receive other income. (We can talk about that privately.) My bills and responsibilities come first before anything! Please do not let my age conflict you, once we meet you will be able to tell I’m a very responsible young adult. I provide everything for myself and have not let anything stop me from doing so. I will be furnishing my own room by the way! Last but not least, No need to be shy around me I love people! Lol Have a great one! ;)

My maximum monthly budget 600
Move in Date Jan 2021
Lease Duration Month To Month
Age 18
Pets No Pets
Hometown Pomona, Ca, Usa
Education Green Valley High School
Relationship Status Single

We think Baddie would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…

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Non Smoker
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Just Splitting the Rent
All the Time
Eat Out
Iron Chef
About Me

Hi! My name is precious as you can probably tell by now lol! I’m a pretty bubbly fun spirited person who lovesssss cooking! I plan on going to culinary school but that ways from now. I’m a bit of a clean freak and I actually am 17 but I am an emancipated minor so in the eyes of the law I’m 18! If your uncomfortable with me signing a lease my guardian is more than willing to with my co-signature on it. I work and also receive other income. (We can talk about that privately.) My bills and responsibilities come first before anything! Please do not let my age conflict you, once we meet you will be able to tell I’m a very responsible young adult. I provide everything for myself and have not let anything stop me from doing so. I will be furnishing my own room by the way! Last but not least, No need to be shy around me I love people! Lol Have a great one! ;)

My maximum monthly budget 600
Move in Date Jan 2021
Lease Duration Month To Month
Age 18
Pets No Pets
Hometown Pomona, Ca, Usa
Education Green Valley High School
Relationship Status Single

We think Baddie would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…

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