Move in Date | Aug 2019 |
Lease Duration | 1 Year |
Age | 25 |
Occupation | Teacher |
Hometown | Castle Rock, Colorado |
Education | University Of Colorado |
Relationship Status | Single |
We think Lauren’s room is fantastic! But in case you want to see more…
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Move in Date | Aug 2019 |
Lease Duration | 1 Year |
Age | 25 |
Occupation | Teacher |
Hometown | Castle Rock, Colorado |
Education | University Of Colorado |
Relationship Status | Single |
We think Lauren’s room is fantastic! But in case you want to see more…
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Hey - we're Lauren and Hannah! We both grew up in Colorado and met in college, but moved to NYC for work. Lauren works as a computer science teacher (goes to bed early and is up early) and Hannah works in insights for the NFL, works 9-6, and is more of a night owl. Lauren knows how much a latte costs at every coffee shop in LES & is preppy to a tee and Hannah is skincare obsessed & sarcastic to a tee (and finds Lily Pulitzer disgusting, btw). In most ways, we couldn't be more different, but we're pretty much co-dependent and obsessed with each other. We both love running, making dinner, reading and we often go out on the weekends (but never during the week, good god). We will occasionally have people visit and will sometimes have friends over for early dinners on the weekdays or a couple friends over for drinks or game nights on the weekends. That being said we also treasure down time and having movie nights together. We've been living in LES for a year and have both been in NYC for about two years.
Move in is flexible but looking for end of July - August 1
We live in 3 bed / 1 bath and the open room is the larger of the rooms paying around $1725.
Rent: | $1,760 |
Type: | Walk Up |
Bedrooms: | 3 |
Baths: | 1 |
Pets: | No Pets |
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