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Looking for a roommate in East Van, Outer Vancouver, West Van, Downtown Van, North Shore Vancouver - Vancouver

Maurice R - $750/month

About Me

Work and leisure, saving for future home and living thrifty in the meantime. Constantly continuing my education, you will find me reading or watching something to advance my life experience or interaction with society. I do not drink, smoke, participate in any narcotics or substance abuse, including caffeine. I have held past CPR and Emergency and Standard First Aid training, although not current. I prefer home prepared food and I value the leaner menu in life rather than the glutenous standard. I enjoy the wilderness and I explore, weather and finances permitting. I am thrifty and I avoid pretentiousness like the plague, i make believe nothing and I always air on the calm and dosile side of life needing little excitement or entertainment for this sigma male. I do enjoy a social side of life but am caeefully to select the wrong company to keep over the right, the story of fairweather friends you learn over time.


My maximum monthly budget 750
Move in Date Mar 2025
Age 49
Occupation Industrial Tool Rebuilder
Pets No Pets
Hometown Kingston, On, Canada
Education Mechanical Engjneering
Relationship Status Single

We think Maurice would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…

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Work Schedule
Sleep Schedule
No Sleep
Non Smoker
Smoke Regularly
Drinks Regularly
Drug Use
Best Friends
Just Splitting the Rent
All the Time
Eat Out
Iron Chef
About Me

Work and leisure, saving for future home and living thrifty in the meantime. Constantly continuing my education, you will find me reading or watching something to advance my life experience or interaction with society. I do not drink, smoke, participate in any narcotics or substance abuse, including caffeine. I have held past CPR and Emergency and Standard First Aid training, although not current. I prefer home prepared food and I value the leaner menu in life rather than the glutenous standard. I enjoy the wilderness and I explore, weather and finances permitting. I am thrifty and I avoid pretentiousness like the plague, i make believe nothing and I always air on the calm and dosile side of life needing little excitement or entertainment for this sigma male. I do enjoy a social side of life but am caeefully to select the wrong company to keep over the right, the story of fairweather friends you learn over time.


My maximum monthly budget 750
Move in Date Mar 2025
Age 49
Occupation Industrial Tool Rebuilder
Pets No Pets
Hometown Kingston, On, Canada
Education Mechanical Engjneering
Relationship Status Single

We think Maurice would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…

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