Hi, I am looking for a room to rent in Los Angeles while I am waiting for my section 8 voucher to go through. I receive SSI every month so I can not go over my budget. I am wanting to move to LA so I can work on my dream of opening up my own Nightclub. I can not do that where I am currently living and have been living for 9 years now in the house I partly own with my husband. Don't worry he is going to stay here, it will only be me moving. I currently live in Burns Oregon which is a small town. To small for my goals. LA would be perfect. I will only move to LA if I can leave Burns in a U-Haul which means bringing my room with me. Which means all my stuff I have in my room. Oh I also partake in 420. I do not have a medical card so yes I partake recreationally but it helps with my anxiety, depression and other issues I go through. I am a night person so I normally don't wake up till Noon or later. I only get up earlier then that if I have something important to go to. I am a social person but also cherish my alone time. I am a host of a couple of Livestream clubs on Zoom and I go to a couple and guest DJ and one. I am into the Goth scene and love all things spooky and weird. I am always on time with my rent and when I have to adult, then I adult haha. I do like going out sometimes if I can afford it. I do eat meat. I also drink alcohol when I go out to my favorite nightclubs and at my livestream nightclubs Zoom Clubs. I am shy at first till I get to know you and you get to know me. I respect others space and privacy and I hope to get the same in return. I am also clean. So I will help keep the main areas clean and my room of course. If you want to know more about me I will be more than happy to tell you. Just wanted to give the important basics. If you think we might be a good match as roomies please contact me. Oh and that move in date is only to give me that much time to find a place I can move in sooner if needed. Just need enough time to pack up my room and rent a U-haul or U-haul trailer. Oh and if you want we can facetime chat and stuff if you think I am a good match. The sooner I can move to LA the quicker I can start working on my goals.
My maximum monthly budget | 700 |
Move in Date | Jan 2026 |
Lease Duration | 1 Year |
Age | 43 |
Pets | No Pets |
We think Sabriel would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…
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Hi, I am looking for a room to rent in Los Angeles while I am waiting for my section 8 voucher to go through. I receive SSI every month so I can not go over my budget. I am wanting to move to LA so I can work on my dream of opening up my own Nightclub. I can not do that where I am currently living and have been living for 9 years now in the house I partly own with my husband. Don't worry he is going to stay here, it will only be me moving. I currently live in Burns Oregon which is a small town. To small for my goals. LA would be perfect. I will only move to LA if I can leave Burns in a U-Haul which means bringing my room with me. Which means all my stuff I have in my room. Oh I also partake in 420. I do not have a medical card so yes I partake recreationally but it helps with my anxiety, depression and other issues I go through. I am a night person so I normally don't wake up till Noon or later. I only get up earlier then that if I have something important to go to. I am a social person but also cherish my alone time. I am a host of a couple of Livestream clubs on Zoom and I go to a couple and guest DJ and one. I am into the Goth scene and love all things spooky and weird. I am always on time with my rent and when I have to adult, then I adult haha. I do like going out sometimes if I can afford it. I do eat meat. I also drink alcohol when I go out to my favorite nightclubs and at my livestream nightclubs Zoom Clubs. I am shy at first till I get to know you and you get to know me. I respect others space and privacy and I hope to get the same in return. I am also clean. So I will help keep the main areas clean and my room of course. If you want to know more about me I will be more than happy to tell you. Just wanted to give the important basics. If you think we might be a good match as roomies please contact me. Oh and that move in date is only to give me that much time to find a place I can move in sooner if needed. Just need enough time to pack up my room and rent a U-haul or U-haul trailer. Oh and if you want we can facetime chat and stuff if you think I am a good match. The sooner I can move to LA the quicker I can start working on my goals.
My maximum monthly budget | 700 |
Move in Date | Jan 2026 |
Lease Duration | 1 Year |
Age | 43 |
Pets | No Pets |
We think Sabriel would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…
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