Looking for a roommate in San Francisco, North Bay - San Francisco

Ei'ieaellsanę M S - $425/month

About Me

I'm a nice person who would like a olace to stay. I am very gifted in being able to upkeep & repair all things around a homestead, so if there ever comes a time when something needs attention, you may count on me to allievate the situation.
Thank you...,

My maximum monthly budget 425
Move in Date May 2023
Lease Duration Month To Month
Age 50
Occupation Engineer
Pets No Pets
Hometown Santa Cruz, Ca, Usa
Education G.E.D.
Relationship Status Single

We think Ei'ieaellsanę Matthiaeus would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…

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About Me

I'm a nice person who would like a olace to stay. I am very gifted in being able to upkeep & repair all things around a homestead, so if there ever comes a time when something needs attention, you may count on me to allievate the situation.
Thank you...,

My maximum monthly budget 425
Move in Date May 2023
Lease Duration Month To Month
Age 50
Occupation Engineer
Pets No Pets
Hometown Santa Cruz, Ca, Usa
Education G.E.D.
Relationship Status Single

We think Ei'ieaellsanę Matthiaeus would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…

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