I have the 1st, last, and deposit cash in hand. My cell is 657.342.5928. My email is
Jerikagornal@gmail.com. My husband Matt and I are trying to find a new place we've decided we're tired of Orange County and it's time to get back to LA county. A little about us, my name is Jerika I'm 28 my husband Matt is 35. I'm currently attending Colorado Technical University
online as a full-time student. I also work part-time under the table as a personal assistant for at DCM Enterprises, INC. And as of a few days ago, I started a job working as a pizza delivery woman at Dominoes. Matt is in the beginning stages of becoming a licensed Locksmith. He also works at a Bike Shop in Long Beach. We have one licensed and certified small Jack Russell, Rizzo, she is 5 years old, potty trained, and does not bark, ever. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Whatever paperwork you need just let me know. I can provide references if needed.
Thank you for your time and I hope to hear back soon.
Matt & Jerika
My maximum monthly budget | 1,100 |
Move in Date | Sep 2020 |
Lease Duration | 6 Months |
Age | 28 |
Occupation | Student & Assistant & Dominoes Delivery Driver |
Pets | Dog |
Hometown | Huntington Beach, Ca, Usa |
Education | Colorado Technical University |
Relationship Status | Married |
We think Jerika would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…
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I have the 1st, last, and deposit cash in hand. My cell is 657.342.5928. My email is
Jerikagornal@gmail.com. My husband Matt and I are trying to find a new place we've decided we're tired of Orange County and it's time to get back to LA county. A little about us, my name is Jerika I'm 28 my husband Matt is 35. I'm currently attending Colorado Technical University
online as a full-time student. I also work part-time under the table as a personal assistant for at DCM Enterprises, INC. And as of a few days ago, I started a job working as a pizza delivery woman at Dominoes. Matt is in the beginning stages of becoming a licensed Locksmith. He also works at a Bike Shop in Long Beach. We have one licensed and certified small Jack Russell, Rizzo, she is 5 years old, potty trained, and does not bark, ever. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Whatever paperwork you need just let me know. I can provide references if needed.
Thank you for your time and I hope to hear back soon.
Matt & Jerika
My maximum monthly budget | 1,100 |
Move in Date | Sep 2020 |
Lease Duration | 6 Months |
Age | 28 |
Occupation | Student & Assistant & Dominoes Delivery Driver |
Pets | Dog |
Hometown | Huntington Beach, Ca, Usa |
Education | Colorado Technical University |
Relationship Status | Married |
We think Jerika would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…
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