My fiance is a project manager for a legal concierge company and I am a digital artist. We travel put of town for business often. We are very open minded and welcoming people.
Move in Date | Oct 2020 |
Lease Duration | 1 Year |
Age | 34 |
Occupation | Digital Artist |
Hometown | Cypress, California |
Education | St. Edward's University |
Relationship Status | Married |
We think Melinda’s room is fantastic! But in case you want to see more…
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My fiance is a project manager for a legal concierge company and I am a digital artist. We travel put of town for business often. We are very open minded and welcoming people.
Move in Date | Oct 2020 |
Lease Duration | 1 Year |
Age | 34 |
Occupation | Digital Artist |
Hometown | Cypress, California |
Education | St. Edward's University |
Relationship Status | Married |
We think Melinda’s room is fantastic! But in case you want to see more…
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Second story apartment with plenty of parking, beautiful pool, grills, 24/hr gym, and media room. This is a 12 x 11 room with a completely private bathroom. My fiance and I need a roommate/dog sitter to watch our pups when we're out of town which is often and sometimes 6 weeks at a time. Overall we're gone probably 6 months out of the year (COVID willing). The rent is lower as compensation for this but we need someone who is serious about the well being of our dogs when we're gone. My fiance has a 14 yr old that visits on weekends a couple times a month when we're home. Thanks!!
Rent: | $550 |
Address: | 4700 South Ridge Road, McKinney, TX, USA |
Type: | Walk Up |
Bedrooms: | 2 |
Baths: | 2 |
Pets: | Dog |
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