I am a 31 year old musician who is currently working on their doctorate of music degree at UC Santa Cruz. I own and play many instruments, including the violin, steel tongue drum, and various reed flutes. I like to jam and make music solo and with friends in the evenings and weekends. I tend to go to bed late after composing, studying, or watching tv. I like to hike, catch waves, and bike around town. I am a moderately clean person, since I am a professional musician and teacher I have to maintain good hygiene. I am calm mannered, respectful, and enjoy connecting with others and having time to myself. I have pet fish, around 2 -3 freshwater fish tanks, and have mastered keeping the maintenance clean and self contained.
I would love to join a house, or 2 people can join me in finding a 3 bedroom house for 1500 per person, preferably on the westside of santa cruz. Compatible people could be professionals in any field, who enjoy music and nature and at least 25 years old. I have enough furniture to furnish a living room of a house.
My maximum monthly budget | 1,900 |
Move in Date | Mar 2025 |
Lease Duration | Month To Month |
Age | 31 |
Occupation | Musician/Professor/Composer |
Pets | Pet Friendly |
Hometown | Newport Beach, Ca, Usa |
Education | Graduate Getting Doctorate At Ucsc |
Relationship Status | Dating |
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I am a 31 year old musician who is currently working on their doctorate of music degree at UC Santa Cruz. I own and play many instruments, including the violin, steel tongue drum, and various reed flutes. I like to jam and make music solo and with friends in the evenings and weekends. I tend to go to bed late after composing, studying, or watching tv. I like to hike, catch waves, and bike around town. I am a moderately clean person, since I am a professional musician and teacher I have to maintain good hygiene. I am calm mannered, respectful, and enjoy connecting with others and having time to myself. I have pet fish, around 2 -3 freshwater fish tanks, and have mastered keeping the maintenance clean and self contained.
I would love to join a house, or 2 people can join me in finding a 3 bedroom house for 1500 per person, preferably on the westside of santa cruz. Compatible people could be professionals in any field, who enjoy music and nature and at least 25 years old. I have enough furniture to furnish a living room of a house.
My maximum monthly budget | 1,900 |
Move in Date | Mar 2025 |
Lease Duration | Month To Month |
Age | 31 |
Occupation | Musician/Professor/Composer |
Pets | Pet Friendly |
Hometown | Newport Beach, Ca, Usa |
Education | Graduate Getting Doctorate At Ucsc |
Relationship Status | Dating |
We think Michael would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…
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