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Looking for a roommate in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas - Las Vegas

Angelinia W - $525/month

About Me

I'm 29 years old my name is Brandon S. Weifenbach I was born on September 19, 1990. I am looking for a room fully furnished to rent f$100.00 min $525.00max I like to go hiking, go camping, gardening, read, write, sing, helping others, swimming, cooking, baking. learning, and cleaning. im a very clean person. i like all types of music. I am a honest, and trustworthy person don't have any criminal records and I have never been in trouble with the law or arrested I don't drink or do drugs. I smoke cigars Socially with friends but not often but only outside. i dont have a job but I do have my own monthly income I receive a SSI check monthly I receive $783.00 every month on the 1st
Direct deposited to my Direct Express Debit card which is a mastercard issued by the us treasury department, for people on SSI, SSDI and SSD not Including weekends or holidays if the 1st is on a weekend my SSI payment will be Direct deposited on my Direct Express debit card at 12:00am Friday morning same goes with holidays. January 1st is new years day and a holiday so my ssi payment will be direct deposited to my Direct Express debit card a day before if new years eve is on a monday I will receive my ssi payment Direct deposited to my Direct Express debit card on a friday morning at 12.00am before the weekend.. because of the cost of living go up every year so I get a raise on my SSI payment. the raise can $5.00 all the way up to $50.00 but it depends on how much cost of living going up. last year i was receiving $750.00 so at the first of the year 2020 I got a $33.00 raise making my SSI Payments $783.00
I also get monthly Oklahoma Indians benefits for the amount of $40.00 Direct deposited to a debit card issued by the state of Oklahoma on the 28th of every month
I am looking for a room fully furnished to rent montly for $100 min up to $525.00 max I'm looking to move by the friday the 31st of July when I get paid

My maximum monthly budget 525
Move in Date Aug 2020
Lease Duration 1 Year
Age 29
Pets Pet Friendly
Hometown Memphis, Tn, Usa
Education West Memphis High School
Relationship Status Single

We think Angelinia would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…

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Work Schedule
Sleep Schedule
No Sleep
Non Smoker
Smoke Regularly
Drinks Regularly
Drug Use
Best Friends
Just Splitting the Rent
All the Time
Eat Out
Iron Chef
About Me

I'm 29 years old my name is Brandon S. Weifenbach I was born on September 19, 1990. I am looking for a room fully furnished to rent f$100.00 min $525.00max I like to go hiking, go camping, gardening, read, write, sing, helping others, swimming, cooking, baking. learning, and cleaning. im a very clean person. i like all types of music. I am a honest, and trustworthy person don't have any criminal records and I have never been in trouble with the law or arrested I don't drink or do drugs. I smoke cigars Socially with friends but not often but only outside. i dont have a job but I do have my own monthly income I receive a SSI check monthly I receive $783.00 every month on the 1st
Direct deposited to my Direct Express Debit card which is a mastercard issued by the us treasury department, for people on SSI, SSDI and SSD not Including weekends or holidays if the 1st is on a weekend my SSI payment will be Direct deposited on my Direct Express debit card at 12:00am Friday morning same goes with holidays. January 1st is new years day and a holiday so my ssi payment will be direct deposited to my Direct Express debit card a day before if new years eve is on a monday I will receive my ssi payment Direct deposited to my Direct Express debit card on a friday morning at 12.00am before the weekend.. because of the cost of living go up every year so I get a raise on my SSI payment. the raise can $5.00 all the way up to $50.00 but it depends on how much cost of living going up. last year i was receiving $750.00 so at the first of the year 2020 I got a $33.00 raise making my SSI Payments $783.00
I also get monthly Oklahoma Indians benefits for the amount of $40.00 Direct deposited to a debit card issued by the state of Oklahoma on the 28th of every month
I am looking for a room fully furnished to rent montly for $100 min up to $525.00 max I'm looking to move by the friday the 31st of July when I get paid

My maximum monthly budget 525
Move in Date Aug 2020
Lease Duration 1 Year
Age 29
Pets Pet Friendly
Hometown Memphis, Tn, Usa
Education West Memphis High School
Relationship Status Single

We think Angelinia would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…

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Looking for roommates in: North Las Vegas
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