My name is Divya, most people call me "Div", I'm from Hamilton originally but moved to Oshawa for school (currently enrolled in Health Informatics), I work as a nurse and PSW instructor while pivoting towards my career goals for healthcare technology (I just wrapped up my internship with CIHI). I love fish and hydroponic plants (I have a freshwater tank), I enjoy kayaking or being outdoors and I spend my longer periods of free time with my partner, friends, and family. I also love wine, food, and exploring new places.
I'm bubbly, highly motivated, and tend to keep to myself. I have a good rapport with the upstairs tenants; they love meeting new people/chatting/having fires in the backyard, etc.
Please fill out this form completely, I am looking to fill the room with my landlord by October 1, 2024. If you seem like a good fit, the next steps would be to meet me (your potential new roommate) and the upstairs tenants, the last step would be to provide your paperwork and meet with the landlord. If you have any questions feel free to send me a message!
My maximum monthly budget | 0 |
Age | 27 |
Occupation | Nursing |
Hometown | Hamilton, Ontario |
Relationship Status | Dating |
We think Divya would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…
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My name is Divya, most people call me "Div", I'm from Hamilton originally but moved to Oshawa for school (currently enrolled in Health Informatics), I work as a nurse and PSW instructor while pivoting towards my career goals for healthcare technology (I just wrapped up my internship with CIHI). I love fish and hydroponic plants (I have a freshwater tank), I enjoy kayaking or being outdoors and I spend my longer periods of free time with my partner, friends, and family. I also love wine, food, and exploring new places.
I'm bubbly, highly motivated, and tend to keep to myself. I have a good rapport with the upstairs tenants; they love meeting new people/chatting/having fires in the backyard, etc.
Please fill out this form completely, I am looking to fill the room with my landlord by October 1, 2024. If you seem like a good fit, the next steps would be to meet me (your potential new roommate) and the upstairs tenants, the last step would be to provide your paperwork and meet with the landlord. If you have any questions feel free to send me a message!
My maximum monthly budget | 0 |
Age | 27 |
Occupation | Nursing |
Hometown | Hamilton, Ontario |
Relationship Status | Dating |
We think Divya would be a great roommate! But in case you want to see more…
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