Move in Date | Apr 2025 |
Lease Duration | |
Age | 27 |
We think Nic’s room is fantastic! But in case you want to see more…
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Move in Date | Apr 2025 |
Lease Duration | |
Age | 27 |
We think Nic’s room is fantastic! But in case you want to see more…
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***IMPORTANT! The rent altogether is $1,130, so that's $535 a piece, but the utilities are high for this home, as the insulation isn't great. In fair weather months they total around $400-$500, but can be as much as $600-$700 in the worst of summer and winter. Gas bill was once $400 alone, and only 2 people lived here. Please expect your portion of rent and utilities to meet or exceed $1k per month. Will the landlord change the windows? We can battle her together. Last time I tried she had her handyman put plastic packaging tape around the windows. It did nothing. Yes I have 2 dehumidifiers. You can keep one in your room if you'd like.
Now that we got that out of the way! Hi, my name is Nic. I am a recently single nonbinary woman looking for ideally a woman roommate. The house in total has 4 bedrooms, and 2 full bathrooms! I stay in the master bedroom and use the master bathroom. Your room is actually the biggest bedroom in the house, it previously was the den but now has a door and closet of its own. You would have your own full bathroom as well as an entire bathroom closet!
Currently, the other 2 bedrooms are being used as an art room and a storage room, where the cat litter boxes are also kept. Ideally you would like to use these rooms for the same purposes, your own storage and an artistic space, but I'm open to negotiating, possibly we have "ownership" over one of them each.
I have a small 17lb dog and 2 cats, they get along great. If you have pets already, we can possibly discuss, but they would need to be friendly and get along with mine. My pets are my top priority, and I need someone who will respect them. One of my cats has escaped twice and I don't want to let it happen again. I can't stress enough how much their safety and wellbeing means to me.
Additionally, I park in the garage. I'm willing to pay more than my share of the rent to keep parking my car there.
As far as my living style goes, I work M-F 9-5. I crate my dog so I come home most days for lunch to let him potty. I like to be in my room in bed, winding down by 8-9pm, definitely asleep by 10 unless I'm doomscrolling. On the weekends I'll go out sometimes, but mostly I like to get my chores and errands done, and just relax at home. My house is my temple, it's very rare I have company. I like it quiet, and clean. I'm not saying you're not allowed to have guests, but I'd really prefer it if it wasn't past 9pm and isn't super regular.
Yes, my expectations are high. I am a clean and quiet person, and won't settle for less. I'm less concerned about "messy", things can get disorganized real quick around here, but when it comes to things like the kitchen and bathroom, they need to be cleaned regularly and kept clean. I can't stand a dirty kitchen counter.
Are you still here? Wild. I know the roommate I'm looking for is very specific, but I am holding out hope they exist. Some more about me and my lifestyle, I smoke weed at home and occasionally drink, but the drinking has become pretty rare for me. Any impairments beyond that is going to be a hard pass. Other thoughts, the entire house is fully furnished besides the empty bedroom. I have a couch and loveseat in the living room with a tv and bookshelves, art tables and all the supplies in the craft room, multiple places for storage all around, newish washer and dryer (thanks mom), and there's a firepit and lawn furniture out in the backyard. I have a dining room table but it's pretty much just where I fold my laundry and put my mail. If you're still reading, message me!
Rent: | $1,000 |
Furniture: | Shared Space Only |
Bedrooms: | 4 |
Baths: | 2 |
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